continuum concept parenting
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Free Continuum Concept mini parenting course!!
In this course I guide you, using the same powerful process I use in all my programs, to embody different aspects of the attitude and philosophy which create the incredible presence, attunement, ease and harmony that the Yequana parents have. And that I also experienced in my family and have guided thousands of parents in living as well. (Click here from one client's inspiring experience!) |
Watch my interview on applying The Continuum Concept approach to modern day parenting by Geralyn Gendreau, author of Jean Liedfloff's biography, Jungle Jean.
FREE Q & A Call Sunday June 1st!
Scroll to the bottom of the page for details and to register.
Have you read my article which was first published in Holistic Parenting Magazine?
Click the image to read: Applying the Continuum Concept Parenting Philosophy to Modern Day Living.
In it I highlight 6 parenting principles I adopted from the book and adapted in my family, as well as some important caveats for modern day parents striving to parent in according this beautiful idea.
In it I highlight 6 parenting principles I adopted from the book and adapted in my family, as well as some important caveats for modern day parents striving to parent in according this beautiful idea.
BUY MY BOOK Though this book isn't specifically about the Continuum Concept, EVERYTHING I teach and write about is based on it since it is what my whole parenting approach (clean parenting™) is based on. In Clean Parenting, The Peaceful Parent's Essential Handbook, you'll find 23 chapters of effective, empowering, inspirational and logical information to help you successfully and consistently parent peacefully. To support you in raising children who are truly happy and WHOLE, and to also have the ease and harmony in your family that I promise you is possible. (I emphasized the word LOGICAL because one of the most frequent things I hear about my work is that 'it just makes so much sense!!' Many parents who have struggled to implement peaceful parenting or continuum concept before have been able to do so after working with me or reading my articles because they say I have a way of explaining it that allows them to fully grasp it. |
Click 'Return To Merchant' once you've completed your payment, for immediate access to the e-book, or wait for an email with a link to it (may take up to 24 hours.) If you have a problem with the payment, pay $9.97 through the DONATE button on this page, and I'll get you set up. |
Here's an interview of Scott Noelle (owner of the rights of the book) and I on the For The Love of Learning Show MANY years ago.
(This is a bit embarrassing for me to share as I was brand new to this work which for people who know me now, is really obvious, but you'll likely still get some benefit from it.)
I owe it all to Jean!!
I first read the book in 1995 when my oldest was 2 years old and every part of me knew it held the truth of what I'd been looking for since I was a child. It was the last parenting book I ever read. From that point on, I committed myself to figuring out how the heck to apply this in my American suburban life.
I was blessed to be part of a wise community of like-minded moms, so I strongly (one might even say forcefully ☺) encouraged all of them to read the book and together we figured out how to apply it with our children. It took me about 3 years to feel like I had a good handle on it, and I then moved on to other things. |
Fast forward to 2011, the day my eldest turned 18. Reaching this important milestone as a parent, of having an adult child about to leave home and even the state, I spent lots of time pondering its significance, who Cassandra was as an adult, and my role as a parent of an adult child.
I was struck that day by the the magnitude of what I'd accomplished with her, as I realized that I had absolutely no fears about her ability to function in the world, to find her way, to find her happiness, and even in her ability to keep herself safe. And this was considering the fact that she was planning on moving 1200 miles away from home to go to college a few months later.
I then realized that I felt exactly the same way regarding her 2 younger sisters. And thought of how rare this absence of concern probably was in our American society, especially as a parent of 3 beautiful girls. Of how differently the moms of Cassandra's friends probably felt, compared to me as they were going through this transition.
I ran to my computer and wrote my first ever Amazon review that day, for this beloved book. I did so because I attribute the incredible success I've experienced with my daughters to what I learned and implemented from that book, and thought something had to be done so modern day parents could be exposed to what is possible through this parenting approach. So they would at least have a chance to live what I did, and to have the peace of mind I had.
There came a clarity to me that day that I needed to find a way to share what I had done with my daughters with other parents, to somehow make accessible the knowledge and experience I had developed from studying this book and from my single-minded focus to translating its principles into my family. Even though I had no clue how to do so, and at that point had zero desire to become a parenting coach (how funny Life is! 🤣)
Led by a wonderful set of synchronicities. I ended up founding Parenting for Wholeness and started working with Continuum parents in 2013. And I adore it. I feel honored and incredibly blessed to get to work with them and the other deeply committed conscious parents who are drawn to my work. And grateful and awed to see that I'm able to replicate in their families the wonderful results I had in my own. My heart and soul are profoundly fed by getting to be a midwife in and witness to their families' transformations, as they too successfully integrate the Continuum Concept parenting approach into their lives.
I was struck that day by the the magnitude of what I'd accomplished with her, as I realized that I had absolutely no fears about her ability to function in the world, to find her way, to find her happiness, and even in her ability to keep herself safe. And this was considering the fact that she was planning on moving 1200 miles away from home to go to college a few months later.
I then realized that I felt exactly the same way regarding her 2 younger sisters. And thought of how rare this absence of concern probably was in our American society, especially as a parent of 3 beautiful girls. Of how differently the moms of Cassandra's friends probably felt, compared to me as they were going through this transition.
I ran to my computer and wrote my first ever Amazon review that day, for this beloved book. I did so because I attribute the incredible success I've experienced with my daughters to what I learned and implemented from that book, and thought something had to be done so modern day parents could be exposed to what is possible through this parenting approach. So they would at least have a chance to live what I did, and to have the peace of mind I had.
There came a clarity to me that day that I needed to find a way to share what I had done with my daughters with other parents, to somehow make accessible the knowledge and experience I had developed from studying this book and from my single-minded focus to translating its principles into my family. Even though I had no clue how to do so, and at that point had zero desire to become a parenting coach (how funny Life is! 🤣)
Led by a wonderful set of synchronicities. I ended up founding Parenting for Wholeness and started working with Continuum parents in 2013. And I adore it. I feel honored and incredibly blessed to get to work with them and the other deeply committed conscious parents who are drawn to my work. And grateful and awed to see that I'm able to replicate in their families the wonderful results I had in my own. My heart and soul are profoundly fed by getting to be a midwife in and witness to their families' transformations, as they too successfully integrate the Continuum Concept parenting approach into their lives.
Read some of my articles and resources that relate directly to The Continuum Concept:
And read this one which includes a video clip from The Cosby Show where Clair embodies the Continuum Concept principles in a situation where Rudy 'misbehaves:'
For support in applying The Continuum Concept in your family, in the way I have in mine, check out my
Clean Parenting program.
Though I don't claim to teach a pure version of The Continuum Concept, I share in my program all the elements of the parenting approach I used which led to incredible ease and harmony in my family, to children who were well behaved and a joy to be with, to incredibly happy, autonomous and successful adult daughters.
Click HERE for information and testimonials of my Clean Parenting program.
Click HERE for a description of what clean parenting is.
And read below for 4 Continuum Concepts parents' experiences of doing this program and working with me to integrate Continuum parenting.
"I’m not sure I can quite put into words exactly what Eliane and her programs have done for me. When my first son was born, my world completely changed. So many things that I thought I knew suddenly didn’t make sense, and philosophies I believed in no longer resonated. His arrival shook everything up.
As I ferociously searched the internet to try to find some “parenting style” that did feel good to me, I came across The Continuum Concept. When I found it and started reading it, I could feel that this was THE book I was looking for. My whole body relaxed once it was in my hands and I started digesting it. As much as I loved that book, I could tell pretty quickly that I was going to need help applying it in this modern world. As I got back on the internet to find that someone, I of course came across Eliane’s work. And while reading the first article of hers I found, I again got that familiar feeling of this is THE person. Every single word she wrote seemed to hit straight to my heart, and I was like “yes! this is 100% it!”
Once my son got old enough, I did the Clean Parenting Course. Doing that course was on par for changing my life as having my first child. It's like someone finally helped me unlock my soul and helped me really see what the possibilities of life, love and relationships were. I felt I had the keys to becoming the mother and person I was destined to become, I learned so much about myself during that course.
Since then, I have worked intimately with Eliane and done the Deep Healing Program and Clean Relationships Program along with many, many healing sessions. Eliane has become somewhat of a “fairy godmother” in my life- someone who really gets me, is on my team, and is continually helping to guide me back to my greatest source of strength- myself. Between Eliane and the Sisterhood group, I feel like I have someone whom I wholeheartedly trust holding my hand along my journeys of parenting and life.
My life, my children’s lives and my husband’s life have all been impacted in the best way possible. I will forever be grateful for Eliane and her continual support. She has really become like part of my family and I cannot imagine my life without her and her work."
Kristen Phillips of Cottage Grove OR, USA
Here's what Laura Fraticelli shared in a Continuum Concept forum:
My name is Laura Fraticelli and I wrote for a long time in this forum. My son Dario is 11 now and when he was younger this forum supported me in so many ways. I am so extremely grateful for it.
So now, I would love in some way to give back all the connection, inspiration, love and support I got.
For the ones that have young kids I would love you to know that for me raising a child in the continuum way, has been the best “investment” ever that I have done.
When my son was born, I was teaching guitar in a school. I was supposed to go back teaching after 4 months but as I couldn’t leave him more than 30 mins alone, as he would cry really desperately, I couldn’t leave him not even with his father. So, I decided to stop teaching and became the manager of the guitar duo we had with the father of my son.
I felt that I could give up teaching but not playing concerts. So, since he was 6 months, I would bring Dario to the concert with a babysitter he knew, nursed him till I would go on the stage for 20 mins, then there was a break and I would nurse him again in my concert dress (that was a bit tricky sometimes ;), and I would play another 20 mins.
When he was 1.5, we got our first USA tour and now I got very worried as we had to get new babysitters every concert we went. So, I contacted Eliane Sainte-Marie for Parenting for Wholeness for a session.
She was truly amazing. She didn’t make me feel bad in any way that I had to leave my son with somebody he didn’t know. And she had an amazing plan for me!
She told me that I could create the same routine for every concert so he will feel safe with the routine even if the person taking care of him was different.
So, every concert we brought Dario to the venue and we would ask the babysitter to come one hour earlier and we would buy him pizza and he would watch Dora! And that really worked! It was really amazing.
Also, really connecting with Eliane’s work made me understand so deeply that Dario was going to feel whatever I was feeling so if I would align with the travelling, he would feel happy too.
This together with talking once with Scott Noelle and asking him: Do you think I am selfish that I take him everywhere with us? And he replied: “No! He will be a citizen of the world”!!
We started travelling all over the world. His father didn’t drive so I drove, nursed and played the concerts too. Dario would sleep, and breastfeed in trains, airplanes, restaurants, bars, guitar festivals. And he adored to travel (still does!)
Because, I completely aligned with this life and the continuum way, knowing that it was a wonderful thing for him, everything flowed. He would go to bed late but then fall asleep at the right time in the car, we didn’t have any routines, but everything flowed and worked out so well.
And the other thing that made this life possible is that I studied the work of Eliane so in detail and did the Clean Parenting Program with her.
Before doing her program if Dario would want something, he would shout so loud that me and his dad just gave it to him, so he would stop shouting…
But after Eliane, I learned to be a benevolent leader and be so clear so Dario “behaved” always so well, but also because I learned to be really on his team.
For me the most, most important thing was that his sense of self stay as intact as possible. So, if I would have to correct him about something I always did it in a way without making him bad with himself.
And I really believe that this is why he “behaved” so well.
For example, when he was around 3,5 we stayed in a very posh house in Florida with a private beach, etc. The house was full of very, very expensive art, that Dario could reach but he could really understand what was expected from him.
Many times, we were hosted by the concert organizers who were very conservative and also had delicate rich houses and Dario behaved like a gentleman. Sometimes we stayed with friends’ musicians who swore and were rough and Dario would become wild and funny and adapt to their energy.
We had sooo much fun travelling, and he got to know so many places and interact with sooo many people.
I would literally be in a guitar festival at 2 am in the morning chatting with people (without drinking,) wearing Dario while he was sleeping and people would come and say to me: "Wow! I didn’t know you could do this with a baby.”
And in 8 years of travelling, as I was so aligned with it, not once somebody said any negative comment (also about breastfeeding,) the opposite! Everybody adored that we were coming with a kid, and loved to see what is possible.
He would be in restaurants with us after concerts and whenever he got tired, I would go to a quieter place and breastfeed him and brought him back sleeping and he would sleep in the restaurant.
Many times, people said: “When he goes to school you will have to stop travelling”, kind of not believing that you could have all that fun with a kid…
But we found a democratic school that allows us to keep travelling so we would bring homework with us and when we were at home he would go to the school.
And when he was only 3.5 one day when we had a duo concert the babysitter cancelled. And we asked Dario: "If we buy you 10 apps would you sit quiet? Yes!!" He said. So he sat really quiet with his Ipad and every time we finished playing a piece he would clap and people thought he was so immensely cute.
So from then on we didn’t get any more babysitters. He would just sit with his Ipad with educational apps (not gaming).
And we performed in very important theatres, universities, chamber music series, but I could trust him 100% that he wasn’t going to talk or interrupt, or even get up from his chair! And I knew we could do this because during the Clean Parenting Program I learned to be a benevolent leader. So, I could explain him SO clear and that it was non-negotiable to talk or make noises in a concert. (We played classical guitar which is very delicate.)
Also because of the continuum way of raising him, he adapted and still does socially so well. As he was with us all the time, he knew what was expected of him in every situation.
But at the same time, he is super creative and free. Now he is 11 and he does soooo many interesting things. He plays piano, bass and sings in a band in the school. He plays football 5 times a week, he is making his own movies and he also ever wants to do courses together with me from MindValley! Like the Silva Method and Superbrain (a course about learning fast).
Every day, many times a day I am so immensely grateful that I got to be his mum.
I feel so grateful, that I found the Continuum Concept book and this amazing community.
And if you have a little baby, I want to give you all the inspiration to keep being close to her/him. Because I can promise you that raising a kid in this way is the best investment you could ever do for the child and for yourself. Sometimes it can feel like it takes so much time but I can ensure you that in the long run you are even saving time!
And I wanted to share my favourite article from Eliane and if you still don’t know her work I highly recommend you read her amazing articles and find out about her course. It made my parenting so easy and joyful.
I send you lots of love.
Laura Fraticelli
Dario 11
The Hague, The Netherlands
My name is Laura Fraticelli and I wrote for a long time in this forum. My son Dario is 11 now and when he was younger this forum supported me in so many ways. I am so extremely grateful for it.
So now, I would love in some way to give back all the connection, inspiration, love and support I got.
For the ones that have young kids I would love you to know that for me raising a child in the continuum way, has been the best “investment” ever that I have done.
When my son was born, I was teaching guitar in a school. I was supposed to go back teaching after 4 months but as I couldn’t leave him more than 30 mins alone, as he would cry really desperately, I couldn’t leave him not even with his father. So, I decided to stop teaching and became the manager of the guitar duo we had with the father of my son.
I felt that I could give up teaching but not playing concerts. So, since he was 6 months, I would bring Dario to the concert with a babysitter he knew, nursed him till I would go on the stage for 20 mins, then there was a break and I would nurse him again in my concert dress (that was a bit tricky sometimes ;), and I would play another 20 mins.
When he was 1.5, we got our first USA tour and now I got very worried as we had to get new babysitters every concert we went. So, I contacted Eliane Sainte-Marie for Parenting for Wholeness for a session.
She was truly amazing. She didn’t make me feel bad in any way that I had to leave my son with somebody he didn’t know. And she had an amazing plan for me!
She told me that I could create the same routine for every concert so he will feel safe with the routine even if the person taking care of him was different.
So, every concert we brought Dario to the venue and we would ask the babysitter to come one hour earlier and we would buy him pizza and he would watch Dora! And that really worked! It was really amazing.
Also, really connecting with Eliane’s work made me understand so deeply that Dario was going to feel whatever I was feeling so if I would align with the travelling, he would feel happy too.
This together with talking once with Scott Noelle and asking him: Do you think I am selfish that I take him everywhere with us? And he replied: “No! He will be a citizen of the world”!!
We started travelling all over the world. His father didn’t drive so I drove, nursed and played the concerts too. Dario would sleep, and breastfeed in trains, airplanes, restaurants, bars, guitar festivals. And he adored to travel (still does!)
Because, I completely aligned with this life and the continuum way, knowing that it was a wonderful thing for him, everything flowed. He would go to bed late but then fall asleep at the right time in the car, we didn’t have any routines, but everything flowed and worked out so well.
And the other thing that made this life possible is that I studied the work of Eliane so in detail and did the Clean Parenting Program with her.
Before doing her program if Dario would want something, he would shout so loud that me and his dad just gave it to him, so he would stop shouting…
But after Eliane, I learned to be a benevolent leader and be so clear so Dario “behaved” always so well, but also because I learned to be really on his team.
For me the most, most important thing was that his sense of self stay as intact as possible. So, if I would have to correct him about something I always did it in a way without making him bad with himself.
And I really believe that this is why he “behaved” so well.
For example, when he was around 3,5 we stayed in a very posh house in Florida with a private beach, etc. The house was full of very, very expensive art, that Dario could reach but he could really understand what was expected from him.
Many times, we were hosted by the concert organizers who were very conservative and also had delicate rich houses and Dario behaved like a gentleman. Sometimes we stayed with friends’ musicians who swore and were rough and Dario would become wild and funny and adapt to their energy.
We had sooo much fun travelling, and he got to know so many places and interact with sooo many people.
I would literally be in a guitar festival at 2 am in the morning chatting with people (without drinking,) wearing Dario while he was sleeping and people would come and say to me: "Wow! I didn’t know you could do this with a baby.”
And in 8 years of travelling, as I was so aligned with it, not once somebody said any negative comment (also about breastfeeding,) the opposite! Everybody adored that we were coming with a kid, and loved to see what is possible.
He would be in restaurants with us after concerts and whenever he got tired, I would go to a quieter place and breastfeed him and brought him back sleeping and he would sleep in the restaurant.
Many times, people said: “When he goes to school you will have to stop travelling”, kind of not believing that you could have all that fun with a kid…
But we found a democratic school that allows us to keep travelling so we would bring homework with us and when we were at home he would go to the school.
And when he was only 3.5 one day when we had a duo concert the babysitter cancelled. And we asked Dario: "If we buy you 10 apps would you sit quiet? Yes!!" He said. So he sat really quiet with his Ipad and every time we finished playing a piece he would clap and people thought he was so immensely cute.
So from then on we didn’t get any more babysitters. He would just sit with his Ipad with educational apps (not gaming).
And we performed in very important theatres, universities, chamber music series, but I could trust him 100% that he wasn’t going to talk or interrupt, or even get up from his chair! And I knew we could do this because during the Clean Parenting Program I learned to be a benevolent leader. So, I could explain him SO clear and that it was non-negotiable to talk or make noises in a concert. (We played classical guitar which is very delicate.)
Also because of the continuum way of raising him, he adapted and still does socially so well. As he was with us all the time, he knew what was expected of him in every situation.
But at the same time, he is super creative and free. Now he is 11 and he does soooo many interesting things. He plays piano, bass and sings in a band in the school. He plays football 5 times a week, he is making his own movies and he also ever wants to do courses together with me from MindValley! Like the Silva Method and Superbrain (a course about learning fast).
Every day, many times a day I am so immensely grateful that I got to be his mum.
I feel so grateful, that I found the Continuum Concept book and this amazing community.
And if you have a little baby, I want to give you all the inspiration to keep being close to her/him. Because I can promise you that raising a kid in this way is the best investment you could ever do for the child and for yourself. Sometimes it can feel like it takes so much time but I can ensure you that in the long run you are even saving time!
And I wanted to share my favourite article from Eliane and if you still don’t know her work I highly recommend you read her amazing articles and find out about her course. It made my parenting so easy and joyful.
I send you lots of love.
Laura Fraticelli
Dario 11
The Hague, The Netherlands
Here's what a mom shared in the Continuum Concept Facebook group after doing this program:
"I feel really compelled to talk about my experience in Eliane Sainte-Marie's Clean Parenting Program. The program was a game changer for me. Here is the best way I can sum up my experience in words:
When I finished reading The Continuum Concept some time ago, I remember feeling a deep sense of hopelessness and mourning for all that had been long dead in the world. I realized then that try as I might, I would never be able to recreate the ideal tribal environment of the Yequanas, nor would I be able to provide my daughter in today's society that which was her birthright to receive. I remember I reached out to the Continuum Concept Facebook group and so many people commented with the same sentiment. It felt like I was destined for failure and Melina was destined to be broken emotionally.
After having completed this program though, I am feeling so much hope. I recognize that I can't, on a large scale level, recreate the Yequana experience. But I am seeing that, by working on becoming a true benevolent leader, guided by INSTINCT, I can, on a microcosmic level, create a continuum where Melina can feel whole. I can be a hologram of the larger picture in terms of what it means to feel loved, accepted, connected, knowing your place in the world, looking within for answers, and having an unshakeable sense of self. I feel like I know what to do and all along it rested within me."
Corinne Colarulo and Melina, Philadelphia, USA
I was already familiar with the continuum concept before speaking with Eliane, but I found her to be extremely helpful in guiding me through the blindspots that I have as a parent, helping me find ways to navigate through them and becoming more present in situations that I would normally feel stressed in. She creates a very calm and warm space and speaks from the heart so trusting her came very naturally and we built a great relationship.
If you know how you are getting in your own way as a parent, whether you are not present enough or not tending to your own needs, I unreservedly recommend her. She will support you seeing a bird’s-eye-view of your situation and she’ll provide you with invaluable resources to guide you onwards towards greater wellbeing.
G.I., Iceland
If you know how you are getting in your own way as a parent, whether you are not present enough or not tending to your own needs, I unreservedly recommend her. She will support you seeing a bird’s-eye-view of your situation and she’ll provide you with invaluable resources to guide you onwards towards greater wellbeing.
G.I., Iceland
This call is for you if:
- The book deeply resonates with you but you’ve wondered how the heck to apply it into your modern day family.
- You found the in-arms phase relatively easy and intuitive but things have changed now that your cherub has turned into a toddler with a strong will, whose desires no longer equate needs, and you no longer know what to do.
- You thought your child would naturally listen to you and copy what you model, the way the Yequana children did, but that is NOT your reality.
- You're afraid you’ve 'broken your child’s continuum' and wonder if they can recover.
- You have a happy in-arms baby and everything’s going well, but you want to make sure to continue following parenting according to The Continuum Concept as they get older.
- You've read the book once your child was past the in-arms or even toddler stage, and don’t know if it’s possible to apply it now.
We can address all this and more on this call!
I'll be sharing with you what I've learned from parenting my now 3 grown children as well as in successfully supporting thousands of parents in doing so since founding Parenting for Wholeness in 2013 (as well as informally since 1995.)
I look forward to meeting you and answering whatever question you bring to the call. I LOVE these calls!! Love talking about all of this and meeting new wonderful like-minded Continuum parents. ♥
This free support call is: Sunday June 1st 2025 at 11 am US CDT (click here to translate into your time zone) Enter your info to the right to register IMPORTANT NOTE: This call is for people who are already familiar with the book and want support in applying its concepts into their lives. You're still welcome to join us and listen in if you haven't read it, but we will not be describing what it is on this call. |
To get a sense of my experience and perspective on living The Continuum Concept, read my article:
Applying the Continuum Concept Philosophy to Modern Day Living.
Learn more about The Continuum Concept:
- Understanding The Continuum Concept - This article defines the Continuum Concept and contrasts the experience of the typical Western infant to the upbringing infants are innately prepared to experience in order to be a fulfilled human being.
- Who's in Control? The Unhappy Consequences of Being Child-Centered, by Jean Liedloff - "It appears that many parents of toddlers, in their anxiety to be neither negligent nor disrespectful, have gone overboard in what may seem to be the other direction."
- Allowing Human Nature to Work Successfully: A Very Candid Conversation with Jean Liedloff - This is an interview in which Jean Liedloff discusses a variety of topics, including what is natural vs. what is normal, attitudes of trust, and non-adversarial childhood.
- Restoring Harmony: A Mother's Story, by Abigail Warren - A mother describes her recognition of child-centeredness and how she worked to eliminate it. This article explores Jean Liedloff's statement, "When you're doing it right, your needs are the same as the child's."
“My kids used to have big feelings almost daily, certainly at least weekly. This has changed immensely. My being matter of fact and holding out positive expectation and being a leader has shifted this. My kids TALK to me and with each other during challenging times, things that used to explode don't anymore...we breeze through them calmly. My life doesn't revolve around my kids unless I decide I want it to at any given moment. My kids respect my time and space and they play well on their own. I feel much more relaxed around things that caused me stress before.
This class (the Clean Parenting™ program) should be taught to everyone - instead of birthing classes. It should be taught in schools.”
Erin Reindl, Denver, USA
"I practice TCC parenting based on The Continuum Concept. I just completed a 2 month program (the Clean Parenting™ program) by Parenting For Wholeness and my wonderful coach Eliane Sainte-Marie, which puts TCC concepts into practical living in our modern lives. This work has changed my life.
I'm not saying everything is "perfect," but I'm no longer concerned about the struggles. I have the philosophy to get through them, and get to a resolution, without the worry. The bumps are smaller and absolutely less frequent.
It's safe to say I'm a Benevolent Leader now. I'm leading, and when things get out of whack and in a power struggle, I know exactly that it's happened, what the issue is, and that a solution needs to be found. I'm not worried. I don't think it's forever, I'm not destroyed by that. I simply do what's needed to get back on track.I respond within my values. If it's situational, and not much can be done. I do my best to make us all comfortable and wait it out. I can trust it will resolve.
This program helped me grow into the mother I hoped and knew I could be. But it also helped me open up to the woman I should be. Killer job Eliane. You're phenomenal.""
Jessica Martinelli, Los Angeles, USA